How to determine the quality of silicone children’s teether?

Silicone teether is a popular commodity in recent years, many different styles and shapes

And many children's teether products are relatively thick, the product is not convenient for the production and processing of silicone manufacturers, so there are many adverse phenomena;

In particular, in the early production and processing, the products often appear unripe, overcast and other factors, which account for most of the unripe phenomenon;

However, the quality of infant and toddler products belongs to the external parts, which cannot be accepted naturally due to the bad surface. So how to deal with it and what measures should be taken?

There are some reasons for the unripe appearance of silicone children's teether ;

Our common reasons for unripening are: the curing time of raw materials fails to reach the time, or the temperature of the machine is too low, or the manufacturers of silica gel products advance manual mold delivery in order to improve efficiency, and other factors. The ways of expression are incomplete overall, partial, internal bulging and other factors.

Overall soft and sticky (common cause)

It means that the silicone products are not mature as a whole, and there is no fixed telephone in place in any place, which is defective and cannot be repaired.

The mold temperature of the mold is not up to or ahead of the mold, the vulcanizing agent is not added or the vulcanizing agent is not completely dispersed, in addition to human factors, the mold time is too long, spraying mold water on the surface of the mold to facilitate the mold release, and the mold temperature is not considered to be reduced directly caused by the mold release.

And the internal is not cooked the same, half of the internal bulge is not cooked in the larger silicone products above;

For example, the root and edge of the handle of silicone teether are not familiar with the general reason. However, this defect is also involved in the problem of machine parameters and molds.

In addition to the above problems, structural factors such as mold layout, core spacing, and the size of the mold template affect the product bulge.

On the other hand, local ripeness, which is a major factor and this is the case;

Partial ripen and partial ripen are the most common manifestations. On the surface of silica gel, there are areas that are not ripen, and a small part of the parts will appear with no vulcanized raw rubber.

For example, the expiration of raw materials, machine pressure, machine exhaust number, mold structure and steel and operation reasons, and mainly because the product is too large may lead to the appearance of bulge phenomenon

Silicone teether hardness on the high side of the phenomenon of immature drum more need to pay attention to!

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Post time: Sep-11-2019